Acupuncture and Pain Management
What are the common pain conditions acupuncture treats?
What can Western biomedicine offer?
How does Chinese medicine view pain conditions and what role does acupuncture play in your treatment of pain?
What is Eczema?
Where is it located and how does it look?
What does conventional biomedicine usually offers?
What can acupuncture and Chinese herbs do about it?
How effective is the acupuncture?
How soon can I get better?
What should I do to help myself?
What is psoriasis?
What conventional biomedicine usually offers?
What can acupuncture and Chinese herbs do about it?
How effective is the acupuncture?
How soon can I get better?
What's the benefit of acupuncture?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
What is IBS?
What conventional biomedicine usually offers?
What Chinese Medicine knows about it and how effective is it?
What should I do to help myself?
What is menopause?
What can Western biomedicine offer?
How does Chinese medicine view the mechanism and what can be done about it?
Infertility, IVF and Chinese Medicine
What is Infertility?
What can Western biomedicine and acupuncture offer?
How does Chinese medicine view the process of pregnancy and what can be done to improve chance of conception?
Crohn's Disease
What is Crohn's Disease?
What conventional biomedicine usually offers?
What Chinese Medicine knows about it and can do about it?
How effective is the acupuncture?
How soon can I get better?
What's the benefit of acupuncture?
What is sinusitis?
What can Western biomedicine offer?
What can acupuncture and Chinese herbs do about it?
How effective is the acupuncture and herb combination?
Allergic Rhinitis
What is allergic rhinitis?
What can Western biomedicine offer?
How does Chinese medicine view the mechanism and what can be done about it?